Services to Individual Therapists
I am prepared to offer the following to individual therapists and counselors:
- Individual psychotherapy
- Training analysis
- Supervision relative to individual or couple work
I consider this work to be in part a contribution to the field. Conditions and fees can be negotiated.
Availability to Groups and Organizations
I can provide a psychological perspective to many different kinds of organizations and groups. In June of 2022, Sarah Jackson and I presented on the topic, “Shaker Communal Life: Did the lifestyle support mental health?” for the Shaker Museum summer series in Columbia County, N.Y.
I am currently ready to discuss the treatment of insomnia with groups of therapists or groups of patients, in either a presentation or group therapy setting. In August of 2022, I presented on the treatment of insomnia to the Trauma Clinicians Group of the Child Development Center of Columbia County.
Treatment Maps
For the past 25 years, I have been working on ways to make knowledge of psychotherapy available in a way that will be more helpful to therapists. Treatment Maps can serve as generalized treatment plans applicable to a wide range of patients and individually adaptable. Maps for the treatment of patients with anxiety, depression, and alcohol misuse appear on a web site, which I have listed in the right sidebar.
Treatment of Insomnia
My recent book, The Fight for Sleep: Pick Your Battles – Win the War is a specific application of treatment mapping written for the general public. As with other Treatment Maps, it provides a comprehensive overview of insomnia that can help a therapist work with clients who have sleep issues. The book is introduced on an associated web site, and is available for purchase from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Physicians and psychotherapists can get a PDF review copy from me by sending an email to [email protected]
Special Interests
I am a broad-band therapist who likes to work with whatever issues patients bring to treatment. In my 50-plus years as a psychologist, I have studied many aspects of the field, and I continue to work to broaden my knowledge base and repertoire of skills.
A constant background is my psychoanalytic training and perspective, to which I have added some CBT and Gestalt therapy approaches. In the past couple of years, I have focused a lot on couple work, dual brain theory, PTSD, developmental trauma, drug and alcohol treatment, and insomnia.
Much of this is covered in my information for prospective patients. I can discuss the extent and relevance of my training and experience for other professionals when it is important to do so.